Programme SAP RAABST01 - Consistency check of General Ledger and Asset Accounting

Perform reconciliation with General Ledger Accounting

The report helps you in analyzing problems reconciling value updates inAsset Accounting and the updating of accounts in General LedgerAccounting (related to a given account). Use this report if differencesoccur between the balance list in aledgerof General Ledger Accountingand the values shown in the asset history sheet.
Analysis can take place in the following cases:

  • The account entered is a balance sheet account only.

  • The account entered is a balance sheet account and a value adjustment
  • account in the same account allocation. In that case, the ValueAdjustment Account indicator must be set.
    Line item management has to be active.

    If line item management is not active, or was activated at a later date,then you have to generate the line items for documents posted in thepast using program RFSEPA01. Refer to the program documentation forprogram RFSEPA01.

    If you set the Check Reversed Documents indicator, then thereport also checks for asset line items in reversed documents.

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113670Reconciliation report: Incorrectly listing errors
81906Error analysis 1KEH,1KEI,1KEJ,1KEK
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373894Collective note: introdctn to prblm solutn in FI-AA