Programme SAP RAABGF_ALV01 - Asset Retirements (French law)

The report displays gain/loss according to the legal requirements inFrance. These regulations stipulate that an enterprise has todifferentiate between short-term and long-term gain, depending on howlong the asset sold had belonged to the enterprise. This time period ismeasured, in years, from the capitalization date of the asset up to theasset value date of the retirement posting. At the same time, differenttreatment is mandated for assets that are subject to depreciation thanfor assets not subject to depreciation.
You enter the number of years that are to be used for distinguishingbetween short-term and long-term gain when you start the report. Youalso enter the asset classes that are not subject to depreciation.
The report uses the following logic for distinguishing betweenshort-term and long-term gain:
the asset is subject to depreciation
time elapsed since capitalization date < 2 years:
gain and loss = always short-term
time elapsed since capitalization date >= 2 years:
loss = always short-term
gain up to maximum of retired value adjustments = short-term, theremainder = long-term
the asset is not subject to depreciation
time elapsed since capitalization date < 2 years:
gain and loss = always short-term
time elapsed since capitalization data >= 2 years:
gain and loss = always long-term

The report shows the retirement documents in a fiscal year for eachasset. For each document, it shows the

  • Retired APC

  • Retired quantity

  • Retired proportional depreciation

  • Revenue earned

  • Gain or loss, with the short-term and long-term amounts

  • Possible retirement costs

  • Note that the retirement costs do not affect the gain/loss. They areshown in this report for statistical purposes only, and are not relatedto the gain/loss.

953024Deleted programs in FI-AA for Release mySAP ERP2005
627423Revised SAP standard variants R/3 Enterprise 4.70