This report tests the masterdata for the calculation types A (Prcentage)and C (Quantity)

Condition technique business configuration objects are available. Thisincludes application, condition maintenance groups, condition tables,condition types, etc. This reports work only for PRT application.

This report can be executed as a stand alone report or in a ABAP unittest framework.

The output will be displayed in the standard ABAP unit test framework oras a standard stand alone report output. The report has ten test casesto test the calculation types A and C.

The method test_calctype_a_percentage of class cl_prc_mast_calctype_srvis called. This has three test cases.
Expected Result when currency is % and pricing unit and Unit of measureare initial: Condition record created without error.
Expected Result when currency is EUR and pricing unit and Unit ofmeasure are initial (Negative test): Condition record not created anderror is reported.
Expected Result when pricing unit is filled with some value (Negativetest): Condition record not created and error is reported.
The method test_calctype_c_quantity of class cl_prc_mast_calctype_srv iscalled. This has seven test cases.
Expected Result when product quantity dependent calculation type andproduct base uom: Condition record created without error.
Expected Result when product alternative quantity 'PAL' for productquantity dependent calc. type: Condition record created without error.
Expected Result when product alternative quantity 'CAR' for productquantity dependent calc. type: Condition record created without error.
Expected Result when wrong currency is passed: Condition record notcreated and error is reported.
Expected Result when valid uom is passed but not valid for product inproduct quantity dependent calc. type (KAN): Condition record notcreated and error is reported.
Expected Result when product indep. (sap00001), quantity dependent calc.type : (KAN) is passed: Condition record created without error.
Expected Result when product indep. (sap00001), quantity dependent calc.type: (ABC) is passed: Condition record not created and error isreported.