Programme SAP PP_PICK_LIST - Pick List

Pick List

You can use this report to create apick list with reference toa reservation or an order(which may be a production, process, or maintenance/service order or anetwork). However, you can also select all reservations for a materialor a cost center and thereby enter and post all goods movements in onestep, for example.

Authorization check
To start the reports you need authorization to enter goods movements atplant level (authorization object Goods Movements:Plant, activity 01).

In the pick (picking) list, you can use filter functions to choose andsort items, (for example, to select them by movement type), and suppressitems that are not required. To set a filter, choose Edit -> Filter-> Set filter
. To delete a filter that has been set, choose Edit -> Filter ->Delete filter.
When you post the goods movements, you post them with reference to allreservations and orders that satisfy the selection criteria; this alsoincludes the items that were suppressed using the filter function.
If you do not want to post goods movements for items, you have to removethese items from the list by choosing Edit -> Delete.
You can also use the stock determination and batch determinationfunctions to determine the stocks to be posted in stock transfers andgoods issues.
To call up stock determination, choose Goto -> Stock determination

To call up batch determination, choose Environment -> Batch handling-> Batch determination.
If you want to split goods movements for an item, for example, amongvarious storage locations or vendors, choose Edit -> Split. Adialog box appears, in which you can distribute the quantity to beposted.
To post the goods movements, choose List -> Post.


1391980Pick list: Confirmed quantity, batch determination, KI 249
1076530MB26: WM batch determination: Error LC1 004
900346MB26: WM batch determination is not executed
544520FAQ: Picking
797341Batch allocation with WBS requirements grouping
676541MB26: Selection via storage location not possible
645818MB26: Parameter WRK not supported on selection screen
630888MB26: Update for serialized materials
579835MB26: Selection by transactions of order not possible
542607MB26: List reservations partly incomplete
540147MB26: Short dump during production order selection
382640MB26:RC=8 stock determination after selctn w/ MRP controller