Programme SAP PPIO_ENTRY_XPRA01 - XPRA: Conversion of PPIO_ENTRY selection screen variants

Converting selection screen variants for the PPIO_ENTRY report

For release 4.70, a parameter on the selection screen for thePPIO_ENTRY report has been changed so that all old variants fromrelease 4.6B and 4.6C have to be converted for this selection screen.This also affects the standard variants SAP&COOIS, SAP&HVOM, SAP
Release, sapprint and sapavailchk, if they have been imported fromrelease 4.6B or 4.6C. If these old variants are imported and notconverted, a program termination (dump) will occur when the followingtransactions are called: COOIS, COHV, CO04N, CO05N and COMAC.
If no old variants are imported then this report is not necessary.
If the PPIO_ENTRY report was extended in release 4.6 with its ownPARAMETER or SELECT-OPTIONS, the contents of these will be lost afterconversion. If the PPIO_ENTRY report was extended by the sameparameters in 4.70, the contents can be reproduced in two ways. Afterthe conversion, load the variants and fill them with the old values andthen save the variants again. Alternatively, you can reimport therelevant variants and extend the PPIO_ENTRY_XPRA01 report with thesevariants (to do this, the variants must be defined at the beginning ofreport) and then execute the report.

Errors during conversion have no influence on the upgrade-process.
Incorrect variants can be converted at any time using thePPIO_ENTRY_XPRA01 report. To do this, start the PPIO_ENTRY_XPRA01conversion report again in the foreground, and you will obtain anextended error log.
The report can be started as often as necessary.