Programme SAP PPC_CONF_ARCH_WRI - Write Program for Archiving Object PP_CONF

Archiving Program of Archiving Object PP_CONF

You use this archiving program to archive backflush data that has beengenerated by the DI Production Backflush function.

The archiving of the backflush data is a prerequisite for the deletionof archived data from the ERP database by the deletion program(PPC_CONF_ARCH_DEL) and the postprocessing program (PPC_CONF_POST_PROC).You can use the display program (PPC_CONF_ARCH_DSP) to display thearchived data.
SAP strongly recommends that you archive the backflush tables regularly.

There are a series of prerequisites that must be met before thearchiving program can archive certain data:

  • The backflushes must match the data entered on the selection screen.

  • The backflushes must have been posted before the residence time entered
  • on the selection screen.
    • The deletion indicator must be set for the backflushes. If you are using
    • the APO, the deletion indicator is set if there can be no morebackflushes for an order and the APO informs the DI System of this. Inaddition, there is the deletion program /SAPAPO/PPC0_OCD in the APO thatmust be run regularly or that can be started when required. If you arenot using the APO, you must set the deletion indicator by accessing theBAPI (BAPI_MNFCTCONFRCVR_DELETE).
      • The system must no longer require the backflush data for the goods
      • receipt costing.
        • If there is a link to a BW, then the backflush data must have already
        • been transferred to it.
          WARNING: If there is no link to a BW System or no backflush data is tobe written and evaluated in the BW, the system cannot recognize thisautomatically. If the system is to archive the backflush data despitethis, you must set the 'Ignore BW' indicator for the correspondingplants in Customizing for Production Backflush (transaction PPCCUSBW).
          The system archives only the backflushes that meet these prerequisites.


          You can limit the selection of backflushes to be archived by entering aplant or a quantity of material numbers on the selection screen. Youmust also enter a residence time. This time in days can determine theminimum length of time that the backflush data is to stay in the systembefore the archiving program attempts to archive this data. If backflushdata has been in the system longer than the residence time entered butdoes not meet the other prerequisites, then the system does not deletethis data. You can use the indicators in the flow control section todetermine whether the system starts the archiving process as a test run,whether it really archives the data and whether the system starts thedeletion program in the test mode after archiving the data. Any commententered for the archiving run is optional and has a purely descriptiverole.

          The archiving program selects the backflushes matching the criteria onthe selection screen and then checks whether these backflushes are stillrequired for other processes. If this is not the case, the systemarchives the backflushes selected. You can choose (see 'Selection')whether the deletion program is started in test mode after the archivingprogram has finished.
          The archiving program archives the following tables: