Programme SAP PPARCHP1 - Production Order: Set Deletion Flag and Deletion Indicator

540834FAQ: Order archiving (PP_ORDER and PR_ORDER)
1628094Dynamic assembly: Deletion flag
1547840Error C2 305 with settlement to another order
983490Error C2 305 with settlement to another order
865760Error /CAB/PP_CO 084 while archiving
484428Additional selection conditions for PP_ORDER / PR_ORDER
567503Derivation runs for completed orders
565306Weak performance during order archive caused by derivation
565957PPARCHA1: Dump SAPSQL_STMNT_TOO_LARGE for order number
519409PPARCHP1: Performance / Memory
489100ORACLE: Performance problems when setting status DLFL
401432Performance & update problems after implementing Note 376750
417562Addition to Note 401432 - LMCF4F10
416949Performance problems when setting the deletion flag
214021Initial archiving run terminates with message C2087