Programme SAP POWL_D07 - Delete Shadowing Entries

This report deletes derived or user defined POWL queries created inshadowing mode from the cache, based on application ID and/ or user.
This report performs the following operations:

  • ,,Display user defined queries based on Application ID and/ or User

  • ,,Delete user defined queries or derived admin queries

  • ,,Delete relevant query personalization

  • This report is intended mainly for POWL developers and systemadministrators to delete any existing query cache. This report is areplica of POWL_D01. Nevertheless, POWL_D01 is intended for normal POWLexecution and POWL_D07 is intended for POWL execution in shadowing mode.
    POWL queries are personalized queries that are locked for a user in aparticular session. When the user opens the same query in the secondsession, the query is displayed in a disabled mode from the secondsession onwards. This is the normal behavior of the POWL. In cases wherethe same user IDs are shared across business users, it is critical tohave the same query opened in a number of sessions in an enabled stateto allow the users to perform their business operation. This behaviorcan be switched on explicitly from the configuration and is referred toas shadowing mode execution of the POWL.

    You enter the application ID and/ or user. The report runs a checkmatching this selection and displays the corresponding list of queries.
    You can also decide if you want to display the results of your selectionor delete them without displaying. To display the results select theDisplay Only checkbox.

    The output of this report shows the following:

    • ,,Display list of queries with Query ID, POWL Type, and GUID

    • ,,Deletion of one or more queries based on your selection