Programme SAP POWL_D04 - Delete Cached Selection Criteria for Admin Queries

You can use this report to delete the selection criteria cache ofadministrator queries based on the provided admin query ID and/ or POWLtype. The output of this report is a transportable workbench request.
This report enables administrators to delete any selection cache ofadmin queries before updating the query with new selections.
For example, the query Flight Details is delivered with theselection Carrier: AA (set using transaction POWL_QUERY). Afterthe query is delivered, the selection Connection Number: 0017 isadded to the query.
To make this new change visible during query execution, you must deletethe current cache by running this report and then resetting theselections in transaction POWL_QUERY.

You specify the admin query ID and/ or POWL type. The report then runs acheck matching these selections and deletes the cached selectioncriteria.

The output of this report deletes selection criteria from the cache.

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