Programme SAP POWL_D03 - Check Consistency of POWL Table Entries

This report checks the mapping consistency and existence of POWL tableentries, such as application IDs, POWL types and queries. The report isintended mainly for POWL developers and administrators.
It performs the following checks:

  • Application ID is registered to the personalization framework

  • Query assigned to an application ID really exists

  • Type assigned to a query that is assigned to an application ID really
  • exists
    • Type assigned to Query is assigned to the same application ID as the
    • query
      • Category assigned to a query exists

      • Default layout assigned to a query exists

      • Query is last refreshed after a particular (user-selected) date and time

      • Query is assigned to an application ID

      • Type is assigned to a query

      • Type is assigned to an application ID

      • Additionally, this report compares check results generated at differentinstances, and displays the differences between the POWL table entries.
        This report can also be scheduled as a regularly recurring job inbackground mode.


        Selection Options
        You can enter the application ID, POWL type and query and the reportruns a check matching this selection.
        If you want the (query related) check to be performed only for thosequeries that were refreshed after a particular period, you can specify adate and time by selecting the Check If Query Refreshed After checkbox.
        You can save the check results for your selection to make it availablefor future reference. Any saved results can be deleted using reportPOWL_D05.

        Display Options
        In addition to display of check results for current selection options,you can decide to:

        • Display your last saved results

        • Display any previously saved results (for any user)

        • Compare the results of the current selection with any previously saved
        • results and then decide if you want to display all the results, or onlythe differences
          • Compare any two previously saved results and then decide if you want to
          • display all the results, or only the differences

            You can see four blocks in total. The first block displays the enteredselection options and the other three blocks display the check results.

            • First Block

            • In the first block for Check Application IDs, you can see the checkresults related to an application ID in the following format:
              | | |
              In the column Q/T, Q stands for Query check, T stands for POWL Typecheck, and if empty, applies to the check for the application ID.
              In the column for Check Results, you can see one or more of thefollowing messages:
              Not registered in personalization framework (this check result isapplicable only to an application ID)
              Query doesn't exist
              Type doesn't exist
              Type not assigned to that Application ID
              Category doesn't exist
              Default View doesn't exist
              Outdated Query (this check result is applicable only if the option tocheck queries refreshed after a particular period was activated)
              It may happen that more than one error message can occur per one line.In this case, you will find the error messages displayed one below theother.
              • Second Block

              • In the second block of results Queries not assigned to an applicationID, you can see the list of all queries (as per the selection enteredfor Query ID) not assigned to an application ID in the following format:
                In the column for Check Results, you can see one or none of thefollowing messages:
                Default view doesn't exist
                Outdated query
                • Third Block

                • In the third block of results Types not assigned to a query orapplication ID, you can see the list of all types (as per the selectionentered for POWL Type) not assigned to either an application ID, or aquery, or both, in the following format:
                  | ,,
                  In the column for Check Results, you can see one of the followingmessages.
                  Not assigned to an APPLID
                  Not assigned to a query
                  Not assigned to a query/ APPLID
                  Furthermore, if your display option was to compare two results, theoutput will still have four blocks in total as above, but in twocolumn-sets. The first column-set will show the results for the firstselection, and the second column-set will show the results of the secondselection, with any differences in the check results for a key rowhighlighted in red.
                  If a key entry is available in one of the two result sets and notavailable in the other, a comparison is not possible and this row ishighlighted in yellow with the message Corresponding entry not availableto compare in place of the unavailable entry.