Title Creation of reminder mails Purpose This program creates and send messages for audits to be performed orfor corrective/preventive actions. The program is suitable forbackground processing. Integration The created messages are linked to the corresponding auditcomponents. The links are saved in the object outbox of the genericobject services. Prerequisites The system only considers audits with a planned start date. Forcorrective/preventive actions, a planned end date(To be Completed By>) must be assigned.Features Selection of audit components The system selects the audits or corrective/preventive actionsbased on the criteria you have specified.
- Identification
- Search field
- Grouping
The system also restricts the selection of the audit components basedon the status. The system considers:
- released and signed audits
- outstanding corrective/preventive actions
Analysis time frame The system calculates a time period based on the initial run andthe duration. The planned start date of the audits and the planned enddate of the corrective/preventive actions must be within thistime period. For the calculation of the time period, the system proceeds as follows:It uses the current date and adds the number of days required for theinitial run (without taking the factory calendar into consideration).It then adds the duration (in days) to this date and that is theanalysis time frame. Recipients of messages The determination of recipients is role-based and/or based onadministrative data. The number of recipients can be reduced byspecifying specific roles. If you want to take all roles intoconsideration, do not specify any criteria. Participants and/orcontact persons can be a recipient if the e-mail address and or userhas been created in the system. Note that e-mails can only be sent to people outside the SAP system ifyour system administrator has made the corresponding settings. You can send messages to SAPOffice users without making anyfurther settings. The users receive the messages in the inbox oftheir SAP Business Workplace. The message to the creator or theperson who made the last change is always sent using the name of theuser. If the system cannot determine a recipient, it does not send a message. Activate the indicator Copy to Outbox> to save a copy of thecreated messages to the outbox (of the SAP Business Workplace) ofthe creator.Message content The content of the message can be copied from a language-dependent texttemplate. These text templates are documents of the classText in Dialog>, which you can edit using the transactionDocument Maintenance> (SE61). Note that this is statictext content. The text PLM_AUDIT_REMINDER_01 gives an example ofhow to use a text template. The message contains an attachment with a link to the correspondingoriginal object.