Programme SAP PHREIC_CATEG_TREE - Example: Simple Tree Control (with Documentation)

You can define up to four subcategories for one category within theEmployee Interaction Center (EIC). These categories and subcategoriesare needed for purposes such as reporting. In the programPHREIC_CATEG_TREE, the categories and subcategories are displayed in theform of a tree structure. The root is defined for each of thesestructures.
You can display all categories and subcategories that are valid in acertain time period with this program. The standard setting for thevalidity period of the time period is from the current date to12/31/9999.
You can set a different validity period by choosing change validityperiod. Enter the desired period of time and choose execute.The tree structure will then be reset for the new validity period.

You can do the following to edit the categories and subcategories:

  • Expand and collapse the tree structure

  • You can choose to show or hide the subcategories. The first two levelsare displayed by default.
    • Show and change the the attributes of a category or subcategory

    • You can show or change attributes by double-clicking on the node of thecategory or subcategory.
      You can change the description and indicator for the next level. You canalso change the position in the tree structure.
      • Insert a new category or subcategory

      • To do this, highlight the relevant area on the tree by clicking on it,then select the insert icon.
        You can create an unlimited number of categories.
        You cannot create more than four subcategories for one category.
        When creating a new category or subcategory, enter a short text and thevalidity period. Determine where you want the category or subcategory tobe located on the tree structure. Enter whether or not the next levelfor this category should be required. If you set this indicator, thencorresponding subcategory must be given when creating an activity.
        The validity period of a subcategory must lie within the validity periodof the superordinate category.
        • Copy and paste categories and subcategories

        • You can copy categories and subcategories and insert them into anotherlocation on the tree structure.
          After copying, the tree structure will be generated again. When you copya category or subcategory, the system automatically copies allsubcategories. The key will be automatically generated here. The programalso makes sure that no more than four levels of subcategories arecreated during the copying process.
          • Delimit and reactivate categories and subcategories

          • If you would like to delimit a category or subcategory, choosedelimit and enter the date from which the category or subcategoryshould no longer be valid as the end date.
            If you would like to reactivate a delimited category or subcategory,select reactivate and enter the date from which the category orsubcategory should once again become valid as the starting date.
            When you delimit a category, the system automatically delimits allsubcategories. However, when you reactivate a category or subcategory,only this particular node will be reactivated and not the subordinatesubcategories.
            • Delete categories or subcategories

            • You can delete individual categories and subcategories. In this case thesystem always deletes all subordinate subcategories as well.