
Migration of Products and Services Data. Transaction code for thismodule is PAS_MIGR.

This has to be integrated with transaction MIGR, and the user should beable to run it from main screen using trannsaction MIGR.

BP migration should be completed before PAS migration can be done. AlsoPAS migration should not have run before. In that case it will displayan error message and will not allow migration to be done.

1. Mapping table mig_matnr for all materials with non_guid = 0 isdone in perform GET_MIG_MATNR.
2. Migrate vkorg, sfakna1 and partner for non_guid = 1 for tablesmomara.
3,,Migration of vkorg for table smomvke for non_guid = 1 usingmig_vkorg tables is done in perform MIGR_SMOMVKE.
4.,,Migration of matnr1, matnr2 and vkorg for table smokvbez1usingmapping table and mig_vkorg tables respectively is done in performMIGR_VKBEZ1
5.,,All the runtime errors are trapped and displayed at the end of themigration. This is done in perform DISPLAY_EROR.
6.,,The materials that do not have corresponding material number in CRMare displayed at the end of migration on the screen, and prompt theuser to either create them in CRM online or delete them from CDB. Ifthe user selects the delete button, then those records are deletedfrom table SMOMARA.
7.,,Concatenation of material type with MAT_ if the material is notWETT is done in perform CONCATENATE_MTART.
8.,,Fields EAN11, NUMTP and EANTP are blanked out in performUPDATE_EAN_NUMTP.
9. ,,Some of the tables are truncated after the migration ofrequired fields if over in perform TRUNC_TABLES.