Programme SAP OLC_OP_COST_REPORT - Operation Cost Overview: Order Selection

You can use this report to display a cost summary for each operation forone or more maintenance order(s). Beside displaying costs for OperationLevel Costed orders, the report can also display costs of Header Costedorders.
The report is intended to serve the following purposes:

  • For multiple orders, a cost overview at operation and at value category
  • level is possible. The orders can be selected in the selection screen.
    • Display cost overview at operation and value category level during
    • maintenance order change or modification (transaction: IW32 or IW33)

      To display operation level costed orders, you have to have thecorresponding feature switched on in your system

      After successful selection on the result screen, the report can build atree like this one:
      + Order 1
      ,,+ Operation 1
      ,,,,+ Value Category 1
      ,,,,+ Value Category 2
      ,,+ Operation 2
      ,,,,+ Value Category 2
      ,,,,+ Value Category 3
      + Order 2
      From the result screen, it is possible to navigate to an order, bydouble clicking its icon.
      Dedicated expand collapse buttons are available for orders and orderoperations.

      The report can also select suborders and display them with all of theircosts in the proper hierarchy. It is also possible to display costs fordeleted orders.