Programme SAP OALINES - Report for generating outgoing documents

This report is used to create outgoing documents with SAPscript.
Standard texts which can be determined using the transaction 'SO10' areexported.

  • Document type:

  • The SAP ArchiveLink document type which is required to create a linkentry is entered here.
    • Object type:

    • The SAP object type which is required to create a link entry istransferred here.
      • Note:

      • Note for DARA index line. The DARA index line contains the objectinformation which is required to create a link entry.
        • Number of outgoing documents:

        • Number of copies to be exported.
          • Export immediately?:

          • Immediate print output (x = yes).
            • No DARA line?:

            • (x = yes) No DARA index line is created.
              • Blank DARA line?:

              • (x = yes) A blank DARA index line is created.
                • Standard text: Text name:

                • Specifies the standard text to be exported.
                  Transaction SO10
                  • Standard text: Text ID:

                  • Specifies the text ID.
                    Transaction SO10
                    • Standard text: Language:

                    • Specifies the language for the standard text.
                      Transaction SO10