Programme SAP MSR_TRACKING_ARCH_PREPROC - Preprocessing Program for Archiving Adv. Returns Tracking Data

You use this report to select all advanced returns documents that areready to be archived according to your selection parameters. After theadvanced returns documents have been archived with the reportMSR_TRACKING_ARCH_WRITE , the archived records can be removed from thedatabase using the deletion report MSR_TRACKING_ARCH_DELETE.
The MSR_TRC archiving object archives the following tables:

  • Returns Process Header (MSR_D_HEAD)

  • Returns Process Items (MSR_D_ITEM )

  • Main Tracking Table (MSR_D_EXECUTED)

  • Relationship Between Splits (MSR_D_SPLIT_REL)

  • Relationship Between Splits (MSR_D_PLANNED)

  • Next Step to Be Executed (MSR_D_LOG_STATUS)

  • Next Financial Steps to Be Executed (MSR_D_FIN_STATUS)
  • Integration
    The advanced returns archiving object has the following documentdependencies :
    Sales order/returns order,,,,,,,,SD_VBAK
    Deliveries (inbound, outbound),,,,,,,,RV_LIKP
    Billing documents,,,,,,,,SD_VBRK
    Material documents,,,,,,,,MM_MATBEL
    Purchase order,,,,,,,,MM_EKKO
    Stock transport order,,,,,,,,MM_EKKO
    Invoice verification documents,,,,,,,,MM_REBEL
    Inspection document,,,,,,,,RV_LIKP (the same as the delivery) and SD_VBA

    An advanced returns document can be archived if the Archivableindicator has been selected in the MSR_D_HEAD table by thepreprocessing program. The Archivable indicator can be selectedif the advanced returns process has been completed, all the relatedarchiving objects have been archived, and the residence time has passed.

    Select the type of return and specify either the purchasing organizationor the sales organization. The residence time is read from customizingtable MSR_C_ARC_SR for customer returns and MSR_C_ARC_PR for purchasingreturns.