Programme SAP MRY_DELTALAUF_MAINTAIN - Balance Sheet Valuation Delta Run

You can use this report to display and edit the results of deltapostings.

You have executed delta postings with reference to a delta run with thereport Balance Sheet Value per Account (transaction MRN9). Youhave defined the parameters for the delta run in Customizing for
Materials Management, under Valuation and Account Assignment ->Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures -> SetUp Delta Run for Balance Sheet Valuation.

You can restrict your selection according to company code, delta run,and period. You can also specify whether entries that have already beenreversed are included in delta runs.
Restrict your selection to one delta run if possible, to improve systemperformance.

The report displays the information for the selected delta runs in alist.

To call this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose
Logistics -> Materials Management -> Valuation -> Balance SheetValuation -> Results -> Balance Sheet Value per Account: Process deltarun.
When you have executed the report, the following processing functionsare available in the standard toolbar:

  • Goto the Customizing activity for
  • processing delta runs
    • Goto the display of the relevant FI documents or reversal documents

    • Reverse one or more posting entries

    • To reverse posting entries from a delta run, the system performs aninverse posting for the original document. You can perform this postingmanually in dialog mode, or schedule it to run in the background.
      • Reverse all delta runs for a period

      • To reverse an entire delta run, the system performs an inverse postingfor the original document. You can perform this posting manually indialog mode, or schedule it to run in the background.