Programme SAP MMXPRA18 - Update Material Master Control Tables for Screen Sequence/Attributes

You use this conversion program to update the screen control tables forthe material master. It supplements entries in table T133D and createsnew entries in tables T133A and T133B.
On the basis of the tables' delivery class, this program automaticallyimports the standard screen sequences to all clients. For the functionsdescribed below, it adapts customer-specific screen sequences inaccordance with the standard screen sequences. It does this in allclients.

  • Table T133D

  • The sequence in which the logical screens are processed is controlledin this table. The relevant program routines and logical screens forfunction code controls like pushbuttons and additional screens aredefined here.
    For the following pushbutton functions, the table entries are extendedto include the previously missing assignments to logical screens:
    OK code,,Pushbutton function,,,,,,No.,,,,Code
    OKCODE_MAEX,,Export licenses,,,,,,(73),,
    OKCODE_MAPE,,Customs tariff preferences,,(72),,
    OKCODE_KONF,,Plant-specific config.,,,,(75),,
    OKCODE_KONV,,Planning variant config.,,(76),,
    OKCODE_KONA,,Cross-plant configuration,,(74),,
    OKCODE_KUSA,,Copy cross-plant config.,,(78),,
    OKCODE_NOTE,,Material memo,,,,,,(77),,
    • Table T133A

    • The logical screens and their attributes are defined here.
      The new logical screens are created for the pushbutton functions above.The numbers are assigned as for standard screen sequence 01 (number asabove). If you have already assigned this number, the system determinesa number not already in use (alphabetical method).
      • Table T133B

      • The texts for the logical screens are defined here.
        The texts for the new logical screens are created for all languagescontained in standard screen sequence 01.

        In the log, there is an entry for the start and end of updating.
        If the system can determine no new, free logical screen numbers(unlikely), errors can occur. In this case, check the entries alreadycontained in table T133A for accuracy and necessity, or modify thelogic for determining the new number in the program accordingly.
        If the system cannot find the relevant comparative entry from standardscreen sequence 01 (also unlikely), errors can also occur. Thisindicates the occurrence of an error when the system was last upgradedto a new release.
        If these errors occur, the system logs them. After you have eliminatedthe cause, run the conversion program again.