Programme SAP MMXPRA14 - Convert change pointers from table MPOI to table MABW

You use this program to convert the change pointers from table MPOI totable MABW.
If, in the retail material master, an object is maintained differentlyfrom a reference object, the system noted the differently maintainedobject in table MPOI prior to Release 1.2B. As of Release 1.2B, objectsof this kind are managed in table MABW, replacing table MPOI.
This change was made necessary since, as of Release 1.2B, differentlymaintained storage location data and warehouse management data are alsomanaged in the new table.
This program transfers the contents of old table MPOI to new table MABWso that the system can continue to recognize objects of this kind afterthe switch. Upward compatibility is ensured. If this conversion is notcarried out, dependent objects will be overwritten by reference valuesthe next time the reference object is changed, irrespective of whetherthe dependent objects have been maintained differently or not.
The program performs the following functions:
Reads the old change pointers from table MPOI
Creates the corresponding change pointers in table MABW
Deletes the converted change pointers from table MPOI

This converter program is only necessary if you upgrade from a releaseprior to 1.2B to Release 1.2B/4.0 and if you want the information ondifferently maintained objects to be retained.

For each client, the system logs the number of data records convertedcorrectly. If a database error occurs while inserting or deleting, thesystem continues the conversion process for the next client. Aftereliminating the problem, you must restart the program for the system toprocess the data records that it has not yet converted.