Programme SAP MMXPRA08 - Update Material Master Screen Sequence Tables

You use this converter program to update the screen order tables of thematerial master. It updates certain entries in tables T133A and T133D.

  • Table T133A

  • The logical screens and their attributes are defined in this table.Here, the screen type is changed from 2 to 3 for essential "Extras"screens since they are no longer offered for maintenance in Customizing(simplification for the customer).
    • Table T133D

    • The order of the logical screens is controlled in this table. Since thefunctions "Co-product manufacture" and "Average plant stock" have beenmoved to pushbuttons (the corresponding entries already exist in tableT133D), the entries with which they were previously listed under"Extras" have become superfluous. They are deleted so that they too areno longer offered in Customizing for maintenance of the "Extras"(simplification for the customer).

      Only one entry for the beginning and end of updating is specified inthe log. Errors cannot occur since the entries in the screen ordertables that have to be updated are only those that also exist in thecustomer system.