Programme SAP MMREO050N - Material Master Records: Write Program

You use this program to archive material master records.
The system makes the necessary checks for each relevant material mastertable, based on the dataset it determined as a result of the selectioncriteria you entered.
If these checks show that the entries in question can be deleted, thesystem archives these entries and possible entries in dependent tables.
This program offers the following possibilities:

  • Only archive and delete material master records that are flagged for
  • deletion
    In this case, do not set the indicator Consider materialswithout deletion flag.
    • Archive and delete all material master records for which this is
    • possible (regardless of whether the master records are flagged fordeletion).
      In this case, set the indicator.
      In the cases listed above, the system checks whether the materials canbe deleted before doing so.
      • Select materials depending on the period between setting the deletion
      • flag and actual deletion
        This is only possible in Retail systems: For additional information, seethe corresponding documentation for the indicatorTime-dependent selection
        • Remove the deletion flag from materials that could not be deleted
        • Further_hints
          For additional information on archiving and deleting data, see thedocumentation Archiving and deleting application data (CA-GTF-ARC)

1579476MM_MATNR : Termination with error message ARCH_PROT 110
1524912MM_MATNR: Performance problems during existence checks 2
998448MM_MATNR: Performance problems when reading table AFIH
1009808MM_MATNR: Performance problems during reading of EQUI or OBJ
870101MM_MATNR: Own messages are missing in spool output
604947Archiving MM_MATNR: Standardization
747469Conversion to SAP List Viewer - ERP Operations ECC 5.00
720841Syntax error in MMREO050N
703289MMREO110N is always executed in test run
653488Archiving MM_MATNR: Standardization
634197MM_MATNR: Performance improvement for Note 605760