Programme SAP MMREO010 - Archive Materials

You use this program to reorganize the material master. It carries outthe following steps:
It imports the materials to be processed from the dataset generated withprogram MMREO001 and carries out the necessary checks for each relevantmaterial master table.
If the outcome of these checks is to allow the corresponding entries tobe deleted, these entries as well as any entries in dependent tables arearchived.
After the system has correctly closed the archive file, the archivemanagement automatically starts the deletion program and deletes thearchived data from the database tables.
You can run the program in one of two modes:

  • If the parameter Test mode is selected (default value), the
  • system carries out the checks, but does not update the database.
    • If the parameter Test mode is not selected, the system carries
    • out the checks and updates the database.
      • By selecting the parameter Reset deletion flag, the system resets
      • (that is, cancels) the deletion flag for material master tables thatcould not be deleted.
        For information on the checks carried out, see the SAP Library BCApplication Data Archiving and Reorganization.

        You have run program MMREO001 to create the data records required asinput.

192129Composite SAP Note: Archiving material master MM_MATNR
376733Additions to installation of AFS V3.0A