Programme SAP MCRM_SETTINGS - Activate Multiple CRM (MCRM) scenario

In a multiple CRM environment it must be possible to identify thedifferent CRM systems. This is realized by creating an own CONSUMER foreach connected CRM system in table CRMCONSUM in the ERP back-end system.This report creates the new consumer and copies the entries containingthe consumer "CRM" of all consumer-dependent tables in CRM (e.g.SMOFINICON) and the connected ERP system (e.g. CRMFILTAB) to the newconsumer.
Remark: To add a new CRM system to an already existing system landscapeconsisting of a one-to-one connection between an ERP system and a CRMsystem, we recommend that you keep the standard consumer "CRM" for thealready existing CRM system and to use new consumer names only for thenewly added CRM systems. The following naming convention could beapplied: 1st CRM system: Consumer name stays "CRM", 2nd CRM system:Consumer "CRM2", 3rd CRM system: Consumer "CRM3" and so forth.

Notes 853430 and 632223.
The RFC conections between the ERP system and CRM have to be createdbefore the report can be executed.


  • Stop the processing of messages in the inbound and outbound queues of
  • the CRM system and the connected ERP system (transactions SMQR andSMQS).
    • Wait until inbound and outbound queues of the CRM system and the
    • connected ERP system are empty.
      In the CRM system:
      • Execute the report MCRM_SETTINGS in the CRM system for every object the
      • MCRM scenario has to be activated.
        In the ERP system:
        • Check the entries of table CRMRFCPAR in the connected ERP system: The
        • field REM_LOGSYS should be filled for every entry marked with "Createdby the MCRM Report".
          • Activate the corresponding consumer in table CRMCONSUM (transaction
          • SM30).