Programme SAP K_RTOHC_REPOST - Reposting Real-Ttime Overhead


  • For initial activation of real-time Overhead (RTOHC) document processing
  • for a given business transaction, this report is used as an upgradeutility. It posts real-time overhead documents for documents postedprior to activation of RTOHC into posting periods for which RTOHC isactivated.
    • In the event that changes to costing sheets or master data require that
    • real-time overhead must be corrected, you can use this report to reversereal-time overhead documents and repost them using currentcosting sheet and master data
      Two transactions are available to start this report:
      • RTOHC_UPGRADE for use as an upgrade utility

      • RTOHC_REPOST for reposting in order to correct existing overhead
      • documents.

        Real-time overhead document processing must be activated in Customizingfor one or more Business Transactions.

        The selection screen includes general options and selection criteria todetermine which documents to process. Document selection can be done bychoosing the direct cost documents (the document which triggers theoverhead costs) and/or the Real-time overhead document. In the case ofan upgrade run, selection by overhead document is not available sinceonly documents for which no overhead has been posted will be processed.

        • If selection criteria are provided for both the direct cost and the
        • overhead documents, then only documents where a direct cost documentmatches the criteria with a related overhead document that meets theoverhead document criteria are posted.
          • If selection criteria are provided only for the overhead cost document,
          • then the documents to be processed will be the direct cost documentsreferenced by the overhead documents which meet the criteria
            • For an upgrade run, only selection by direct cost document is available.
            • Documents for which a real-time overhead document is already posted arenot processed.

              General Options

              • The Reposting Parameters section specifies the CO Area and the Fiscal
              • Year/Posting Period into which repostings are made.
                • The Processing Options sections includes checkboxes to select Test Run
                • (simulation) and Detailed Display (log will include information abouteach document processed)
                  • Radiobuttons for run type: Repost to Correct Overhead or
                  • real-time Overhead Upgrade (if the report is started withtransaction code RTOHC_UPGRADE or RTOHC_REPOS0 these options are notvisible).

                    Document Header Selections
                    In this section, selection criteria can be specified for document headerfields for either/both of the direct cost documents or the overheaddocuments.
                    Note that if no selection is made for Business Transaction for thedirect cost documents, the program selects only business transactionsfor which RTOHC has been activated on or before the specified postingperiod.

                    Item Selection - Direct Cost Documents
                    In this section, selection criteria can be specified for posting itemsfor the direct cost documents. Documents with any items meeting the itemselection criteria are included. Note that item selection can only beused in conjunction with document header selections.

                    Item Selection - Overhead Cost Documents
                    In this section, selection criteria can be specified for posting itemsfor the overhead cost documents. Documents with any items meeting theitem selection criteria are included. Note that item selection can onlybe used in conjunction with document header selections.

                    An application log is displayed, showing the following information:

                    • Number of direct cost documents to be processed

                    • Number of documents successfully reposted

                    • Number of documents where reposting failed

                    • Number of documents selected where no overhead charges apply

                    • Number of documents where overhead reversal was performed

                    • Number of documents where reversals failed

                    • If the detailed report is requested, the application log identifies theprocessing for each individual document processed.