Programme SAP KZGVHCHA - Automatic conversion of indicator KZGVH in material master

As of Release 4.0A, there is now the indicator "Closed-up shippingmaterials" (KZGVH) in the material master in order to identifyclosed-up shipping materials. This indicator can be maintained duringmaterial master maintenance in the screen "Sales and distribution -General plant data". Up to Release 4.0A, closed-up shipping materialswere recognized by the fact that their own volume was the same as theallowed packing volume.
This report should replace manual maintenance of the indicator KZGVH.
The recognition of closed-up shipping materials is necessary in orderto calculate the total volume of a shipping unit.
In the case of shipping materials that are not closed up, the totalvolume is calculated from the material's own volume plus the loadingvolume.
In the case of closed-up shipping materials, the total volume is alwaysthe same as the material's own volume.

In the material master, the material's own volume and the allowedpacking volume must be the same for closed-up shipping materials.

The material masters of all the packing materials maintained in thesystem are checked as to whether the material's own volume and theallowed packing volume are the same. If so, the KZGVM is set; otherwisethe field remains set to its initial value.