Programme SAP KFM_KF_REPORT_BW_QUERY - Program KFM_KF_REPORT_BW_QUERY: Read Key Figures from SAP BW

You can use this report to determine key figures from the SAP BusinessInformation Warehouse, and display these in the generic key figuremonitor.

The report KFM_KF_REPORT_BW_QUERY is called in the background of theprogram KFM_VALUE_DET_SCHEDULE for determining key figures from the SAPBW.


  • You have installed the generic key figure monitor and the report
  • KFM_KF_REPORT_BW_QUERY in the same system.
    • You have created a selection variant for the program
      • If the SAP BW is installed in a different system than the generic key
      • figure monitor, you must have created an RFC connection.
        • You have created a key figure in Customizing for the generic key figure
        • monitor in the process step Define Key Figures
          • If you are using key figures that can be personalized, you have created
          • the relevant data in the personalization, and made the relevant settingsin the following process steps:
            Define SEM Measure that can be Personalized

            Define SAP ERP Key Figures that can bePersonalized
            • You have created a query in the SAP BW that contains values to be used
            • for determining key figures.

              You can make the following entries on the program selection screen:

              • RFC Connection:

              • Specifies the RFC connection for the system in which the SAP BW isinstalled.
                • BW InfoCube/Query:

                • Specifies the SAP BW query that is evaluated for determining the keyfigure.
                  Input format: /.
                  • BW Key Figure:

                  • Specifies the BW key figure (cell) that is selected from the SAP BWquery as the key figure for the key figure monitor.
                    • Selection with BW Variables:

                    • Controls that you can enter data for the variables and the relevantselection values of a query. These entries are required for evaluating aSAP BW query.
                      The variables of a SAP BW query can be determined in the SAP BW QueryDesigner, and can be viewed on the selection screen in the input help.
                      Enter the values that are not stored in the personalization data in thereport variant. For key figures that can be personalized, the program ofthe key figure monitor KFM_VALUE_DET_SCHEDULE automatically provides thevalues from personalization during determination of the key figure.program of the key figure monitor (KFM_VALUE_DET_SCHEDULE).
                      • Display Flow Trace:

                      • Controls that additional log information, is displayed, for example,during the test phase.
                        In the selection screen, you can view the valid values via the inputhelp. For some input fields, the valid values are dependent on thecontent of other input fields, such as InfoCube/Query isdependent on the RFC connection and the BW key figure isdependent on the BW InfoCube/Query.


                        • When the program KFM_KF_REPORT_BW_QUERY is called in the background by
                        • the update program (KFM_VALUE_DET_SCHEDULE), the system updates the BWkey figure for the key figure monitor without issuing a list. To testthe function, you can set the Display Flow Trace indicator toview the log as a list.
                          • When the program is called online, the system does not update any key
                          • figures for the key figure monitor. The system only displays thedetermined key figures in a list so that you can check the results ofthe selection variant. However, the system does not evaluate anypersonalization data online, and you must enter all required selectiondata.