Programme SAP J_7L_PARTN_DELETE - Delete REA Recycling Partners

Delete REA recycling partners

This program enables the mass maintenance of recycling partners to bedeleted.

You have authorization for authorization objectJ_7L_INFC.

You can select the master data that you want to delete using therecycling partner number. If you choose Physically Delete Datathe data records found are marked with a deletion indicator. If you thenchoose Delete Selection, the selected data records with anexisting deletion indicator are deleted from the database. If you chooseTest Run, the database is not updated. Instead, a log isdisplayed. You can only delete recycling partners if they are notassigned to articles, packaging, fractions, or price lists. In addition,there can be no dependent entries in Customizing for REA when you deletethe recycling partner or set the deletion indicator.

The result is displayed as a transient SAP application log in a modaldialog box.