Programme SAP J_7L_PACK_PARTNER_DATA - Packing: Partner Data Management

This report allows you to assign and delete recycling partners for REApackaging as a mass change. When you add a recycling partner, you canalso enter corresponding attributes.

You have authorization for the authorization objectJ_7L_INFC.

By selecting the packaging number, you restrict the data to individualmaster data.
The assignment version of the recycling partner is determined using theVersion Date. When you assign a partner, the validity period forthe version date of the fraction assignment is used as a basis.
The system does not make any changes in test mode.
If the check is deactivated, packaging that is inconsistent can bechanged also, or changes can be made that result in an inconsistentstatus.
Optionally, you can also change the SD/MM conditions by setting theAdjust Conditions indicator.
The Trigger Workflow Event indicator is only visible ifREA Customizing has been set up accordingly. If theindicator is set, a workflow event for the business object REA_PACKAGINGis triggered following each change.
Log Detail 1 displays a summary only. A log level greater than 1displays the various processing steps as well.

The result is displayed as a transient SAP application log in a modaldialog box.