Programme SAP J_7L_EAR_NETGEW_TRANSFER - Transfers Net Weight as Article Component Quantity

This program transfers the net weight of an article from the materialmaster to the component quantity of a REA packaging.

You have authorization for the authorization objectJ_7L_INFC.

The Article Number, Sales Unit, Company Code, andCountry Version fields are used to restrict the REA articlemaster.
The Plant and Division fields are used to restrict the REAarticle master on the basis of the material properties of the article.
The Last Changed By, Last Changed On, and Last ChangedAt fields are used to restrict the REA article master on the basis ofthe administrative information of the article.
The required-entry fields WEEE Packaging and Key Datespecify the packaging number of the WEEE packaging and the key date ofthe packaging assignment version.
The Net Weight Source Field group box stipulates how the netweight is to be determined for the component quantity (selecting theMM Net Weight -> REA Net Weight radio button means that the MMnet weight takes priority, providing that it has been maintained).
The Gross Weight Calculation Mode group box stipulates how thegross weight is to be determined for the article dimensions.
The Transfer Mode for Net Weight group box specifies how thechanges are to be made to each article:
Change Only: Changes are made only if the WEEE packaging isalready assigned to the article.
Add Only: Changes are made only if the WEEE packaging is not yetassigned to the article.
Change or Add: Either the program assigns the packaging to thearticle or changes the existing assignment.
The system does not make any changes in test run mode.
Optionally, the adjustment of SAP conditions can also be forced bysetting the Adjust Conditions indicator.
The Trigger Workflow Event indicator is only visible ifREA Customizing has been set up accordingly. If theindicator is set, a workflow event for the business object REA_ARTICLEis triggered following each change.

The result is displayed as a transient SAP application log in a modaldialog box.