Programme SAP J_7L_DELETE_TEMP_DECL - Cleansing of Superfluous Declaration Items

This report supports the deletion of incomplete declaration items in theREA declaration system. These items can occur when declarations withlarge data volumes save interim results on the database and are thencanceled. This report replaces the reorganization that was otherwiseexecuted before each declaration run.

The report must be started directly or in the background.

Authorization for the authorization object J_7L_INFC

If the report runs successfully a COMMIT WORK is issued.

Only those documents are searched that are not older than 500 days withrespect to the time of execution. The search horizon into the future iscalculated as follows: End date - search horizon

Success message

Start this report only if you have declarations with more than 20,000items that were canceled. Note that you can run this report up to 500days after the declaration was canceled.