Programme SAP J_7L_CORRECT_VRKME - Correct Sales Quantity

This report corrects the field value for thesales unit or thecondition unit in tables J_7LM,J_7LP02, J_7LE14, and J_7LV1H. The field value was not converted intointernal format due to an error. The screens (
article screen and price list)recognize this and therefore display the field value *** instead.
This program allows you to make changes to the database as a masschange. There is no UNDO function. Changes are transferred directlyto the database if the Test Mode indicator is deselected.

You have authorization for authorization objectJ_7L_INFC, and the data to be changed is not lockedby a transaction.

The Sales Unit in DB field is the value that has been saved inthe database.
The Sales Unit field is the correct value that is to be displayedon the screen.
By specifying the material number, company code, and country key, youcan restrict the article master data to individual master records. Thecountry key is a mandatory field. The fields become ready for input whenyou select one of the indicators for tables J_7LM.
By activating the J_7LM indicators, you can restrict the changes toindividual database tables in the REA article master.
By specifying the recycling partner no, you can restrict master datadependent on recycling partners to individual partners. The "RecyclingPartner No" field is mandatory. The fields become ready for input whenyou select one of the indicators for tables J_7LP02,J_7LE14, or J_7LV1H.
You can use the indicators J_7L to restrict the changes toindividual database tables in the REA price list or REA declaration.
Log detail 1 displays only a summary. A log detail greater than 1 alsodisplays the individual processing steps. The number of changeddata records is also displayed. If no data records are changed in atable, the system issues a warning message. Each article master recordand price list master record is processed as a whole.
In test mode, no active changes are carried out.

The result is displayed as a transient SAP application log in a modaldialog box.

Use this program only on the advice of an REA consultant. Determine theSales Unit in DB by calling the relevant tables in transactionSE16.