Programme SAP J_7L_CORRECT_V03_VPART_HDLST - Corrects Inconsistent Entries for Packaging Type/Trade Level

The program corrects data in the REA packaging master that is the resultof packaging maintenance prior to the implementation of the SAP Note711386. The correction can be done manually in the dialog for eachpackaging or automatically by this program. In addition to the packagingtype, the trade level is corrected too.

You have authorization for the authorization objectJ_7L_INFC.

Because the price calculation is not affected, updating the SDconditions is not necessary.
Propagation of the values to articles is also deactivated because thechanges are irrelevant for articles. Change documents are created. Ifone record is affected, the records of all recycling partners of thesame packaging get an update on the administrative fields (Last ChangedOn, Last Changed At, Last Changed By), which is indicated in the changedocuments too. Change documents are easily identified by the transactioncode, which is different from J7L6 (usually SEU_INT).

The selection parameters allow you to enter the affected recyclingpartner/country and restrict the selection to certain packagings. If youdo not restrict your selection, all packagings are processed. If theTest Mode indicator is set (default), no changes are actuallymade but only simulated.
The Trigger Workflow Event indicator is only visible ifREA Customizing has been set up accordingly. If theindicator is set, a workflow event for the business object REA_PACKAGINGis triggered following each change.

All updates are synchronous, so there may be a delay between executionand receiving a result. The result is displayed as a dialog boxcontaining a tree-like structure of the SAP application log. The loginfo is not permanent and is deleted when you close the dialog box.