Programme SAP J_7L_CORRECT_PACK_DATA - Correction of Errors in Packaging Data

This report corrects data records that were logically incorrectlydeleted in REA packaging. When it is run, fraction data that isrecycling partner-specific is deleted if the fraction assignment of thefraction was already deleted.

You have authorization for the authorization objectJ_7L_INFC.

By selecting the packaging number, you restrict the data toindividual master data.
The required entry field Key Date specifies which period shouldbe considered.
The system does not make any changes in test mode.
If the check is deactivated, packaging that is inconsistent can bechanged also.
The Trigger Workflow Event indicator is only visible ifREA Customizing has been set up accordingly. If theindicator is set, a workflow event for the business object REA_PACKAGINGis triggered following each change.
Log Detail 1 displays a summary only. A log level greater than 1displays the various processing steps as well.

The result is displayed as a transient SAP application log in a modaldialog box.

You should check and, if necessary, correct your packaging master usingthis program. An incomplete logical deletion in the dialog can lead tointernal error 6 occurring when other mass maintenance programs are usedin REA packaging (J_7LV08 record exists although J_7LV02 record ismissing).