Programme SAP J_7L_CORRECT_ART_FIELDS - Correct Article Properties

This program corrects field values in the tables J_7LM09 and J_7LM05,which as a result of the existing configuration should be initial, buthave a value in the database. This situation arises when software iscorrected, master data is incorrectly created, and when changes are madeto the configuration of recycling partners. The REA article dialogdetects this situation, initializes the field automatically, and thenprompts you to save in change mode. Setting the Splitting Factor100% indicator results in the splitting factor being set to 100%(display in dialog) when article splitting is not supported.
This program allows the same changes to be made in mass change mode asonline.

You have authorization for the authorization objectJ_7L_INFC.

The recycling partner and country are required entryfields that specify the recycling partner for which the attributes areto be considered.
By selecting the material number, company code, andsales unit you can restrict the data to individual masterrecords.
Log Detail 1 displays a summary only. A log level greater than 1displays the various processing steps as well.
The system does not make any changes in test mode.
Optionally, the adjustment of SAP conditions can also be forced bysetting the Adjust Conditions indicator.
The Trigger Workflow Event indicator is only visible ifREA Customizing has been set up accordingly.
If the indicator is set, a workflow event for the business objectREA_ARTICLE is triggered following each change.

The result is displayed as a transient SAP application log in a modaldialog box.