Programme SAP J_7L_ABLSKO_AUT_EXECUTION - Derive Special Condition Type for a Recycling Partner Automatically

The program executes the automatic derivation of the special conditiontypes as mass changes.

Authorization for the authorization object J_7L_INFC
. Derive Special Condition Type Automatically
is active for the recycling partner.

The Article Number, Sales Unit, Company Code, andCountry Version fields are used to restrict the REA articlemaster.
The Plant and Division fields are used to restrict the REAarticle master on the basis of the material properties of the article.
The Last Changed By, Last Changed On, Last Changed At
fields are used to restrict the REA article master on the basis ofthe administrative information of the article.
The Recycling Partner field specifies the recycling partner forwhich the special condition type is to be derived.
The Key Date for Assignment Version field stipulates the versionof the packaging assignment for which the special condition type is tobe derived.
The Adjust Conditions indicator can be used to optionally triggeran adjustment of the SD/MM conditions for the article.
If the Test Run radio button is selected, the program does notmake any changes nor adjust conditions.
The Trigger Workflow Event indicator is only visible ifREA Customizing has been set up accordingly. If theindicator is set, a workflow event for the business object REA_ARTICLEis triggered following each change.

The result is displayed as a transient SAP application log in a modaldialog box.