Description The print program J_3RFTRG12 is designed for screen / printer output ofinformation on the delivery document - the TORG-12 "Goods issue slip"standard form used for Russian Federation. The program works togetherwith the form J_3RFTORG12. Precondition The program automatically retrieves information from the company codedata, customer master record of the delivery document, sales documententries, and from the material master record. Customizing output type To print out correctly, create your own output type or use the existingtype. Menu path: Customizing R/3: Implementation Guide (IMG): Sales andDistribution --> Main functions --> Output --> Output determination -->Output Proposal Using the Condition Technique --> Maintain OutputDetermination for Deliveries Assign the program and corresponding form to this output type in theMaintain output type --> "Processing program" section. Example Outp Name Med Program FORM routine Form LD02 Delivery Note 1 Printer J_3RFTRG12 ENTRY J_3RFTORG12 Restrictions to the calculation procedure Subtotals are used for storing calculated condition values for eachorder item. Upon printing a slip, amounts are taken from the ordersince the delivery document doesn't have pricing. The print programtranslates stored amounts in accordance with the following ratio: orderunit of measure/delivery unit of measure. In the "Definition andassignment of calculation procedures" customizing section for yourprocedure, check the correspondence of subtotal numbers for thefollowing condition types (in the "Subtotals" column): Value Subtotal Total without VAT 3 (vbap-kzwi3) VAT amount 5 (vbap-kzwi5) Total including VAT 4 (vbap-kzwi4) Text adjustment To adjust texts in a delivery document text procedure, use the "Texttype definition" customizing section. You must enter delivery texts used in the print program: Identifier Text description 0002 C/o: 0003 Issue approved by: 0004 Chief accountant: 0005 Issued: 0012 Received: If set correctly, these texts will appear in the delivery documentheader. In this case, the user can enter corresponding values that willbe printed in the document. The number of entered characters shouldn'texceed 16 (for the text with the "C/o" 0002 identifier - maximum of 70characters). Adjustment of the "Currency code check" section To correctly convert amounts into the amount in words withoutspecifying the currency, it is necessary to enter a dummy currency withwith the ZCURR code in the "Currency code check" customizing section.The "ISO code" and "Alternative code" fields should be left blank inthe record for this currency. Filling out the form The delivery document number is output in the document header. Theremaining document fields are defined in the following way: Field Contents Organization Company code address data - sender, the code Basis Reference number and date of the order for which the delivery is created Ship-to party: Address data and a code of the ship-to party. Defined in the customer master record (name, region, city, zip code, street, phone, fax). C/o Last name of a person who received the goods. The following columns are filled out in the table with delivery itemlines: Column Contents 3 Material description in Russian 4 Material code (no more than 10 characters) 5 Code of the commercial material unit of measure used in the delivery item 6 Material unit of measure description (5 characters) 7 Quantity in the order item, translated into delivery units of measure 8 Quantity in the delivery/ schedule line item (quantity to be delivered) 9 Price without VAT - taken from the order and translated into delivery units of measure 10 Amount without VAT - taken from the order and translated into delivery units of measure 11 VAT amount translated into delivery units of measure 12 Amount including VAT - taken from the order and translated into delivery units of measure 15 Schedule line number (10 characters). If there are several schedule lines for the item in question, the program divides delivery items into several lines/rows. At the same time, one and the same material and equal quantity are printed in the "Should be issued" column 7 (quantity of the material from the order) for all schedule lines. In the summary part, the number of names (number of document lines) andthe total for all lines including VAT are output in words. VAT total isdisplayed in digits. Output Creating an output To create a delivery output, create a description of an output for theparticular document in the "Change delivery" VL02 transaction. Menu path: Deliveries --> Change --> Header --> Output or Item --> Output Printing The "Delivery output" VL71 transaction is used for printing the "Goodsissue slip" document. Menu path: Logistics --> Sales and Distribution --> Shipping -->Delivery --> Delivery note/slip |