Programme SAP J_3RF_TAX_DELDATA - FI-SL Delete Program

You use this report to prepare your Special Purpose Ledger system(FI-SL) for productive use.
The report enables you to delete test data (transaction data) in yoursystem. You can select the following levels of deletion:

  • Delete all FL-SL transaction data and initialize all number ranges: the
  • report first checks the installation of FI-SL (T800A). The reporttemporarily stores the tables it finds and then deletes the tablecontents one after another. The report also resets any journal entrytables (and index tables) and planned journal entry tables assigned tothe tables. Finally, the number ranges for the GL_GLOBAL, GL_LOCAL, andGL_ROLLUP are initialized.
    Warning: Table GLT2 is handled differently, since the table also storesdata for the Consolidation component (FI-LC). First, a dialog boxappears in which you are asked to confirm that you want to delete thetable contents.
    • Delete an FI-SL table: This function enables you to delete a specific
    • FI-SL table. If journal entry tables (and index tables) and plannedjournal entry tables assigned to the tables contain entries, the reportalso deletes the contents of the tables.
      • Selective deletion: To use this function, enter a ledger. You can also
      • use fixed fields from FI-SL as additional selection criteria.Furthermore, you can select which data you want to delete (summary data,line items, planned line items).
        You can generate statistics for each of the above deletion options byselecting the corresponding option.
        Note: The function module G_DELETE_TEST_DATA calls the report. Thefunction module requires a company code and a fiscal year. The functionmodule is called within the reset program for FI and deletes all FI-SLtransaction data for a given company code, and