Programme SAP J_3GINVC - Input ETM Sales Orders with Job Split in SD

This program is for the automatic generation of SD orders from CEMshipping documents and performance-based equipment (PBE) documents.
You can perform a complete settlement run up to a specific date (forexample, a monthly settlement) or a settlement run for a specificcompany code, recipient or range of document numbers, depending on howyou select your data on the selection screen.
If you are performing a complete settlement run, the system "closes"the period to be settled, in other words, you can not make any furtherchanges to existing documents or create any new documents in dialogmode in this period.

Before you start the program (transaction j3gz), please ensure that
the recipient check has taken place (transaction j4g1). The recipientcheck ensures that the recipient master data is complete andconsistent.
It is recommended that you perform a test run before starting theupdate run.
If you are using unchronological inventory management, you must run alocation setup before you start the settlement run (transaction/SAPCEM/BESTAUF - set up chronological stock data).
Documents that have not been processed satisfactorily during locationsetup are not included in the settlement run, likewise all the otherdocuments for the equipment in question (see table in settlement log).
You can enter data for the following parameters on the selection screenof the program:
- Document number, recipient or company code
- Date of settlement run (last day of the settlement period; the last
day of the previous month is default value)
- Program start as test run or update run (the system does not generate
SD orders during a test run and the status is not updated)
- Maximum number of items per SD order
- Sort the order items according to ship-to party (only items for one
ship-to party per order)
- Number of jobs to be started;
If you have a volume of data that amounts to more than 1000 document
items, it is recommended that you set the number of jobs to be
started to more than one so that an appropriate number of jobs is
started for the standard input transaction (time-saving mechanism
due to simulatneous processing in several batch processes).
You should choose the number of jobs so that a maximum of 10 000
SD document items are created per job.
- Number of jobs per commit work (only relevant when you start morethan
one job);
it is recommended that you restrict the number of SD document items
to a maximum of 1000 per commit work block (for 50 items per order,
20 orders per commit work block)
- Target server for external jobs;
The current server is display ed as default; if you do not enter a
server, the jobs are distributed among the available servers.
- Settle equipment performance/material deliveries
After every update run, the status has to be updated (status of
shipping and PBE documents, settlement date in historical inventory
management) in a postprocessing run (transaction j3gn).

A CEM settlement log is created in the list archive for everysettlement run and external job (transaction j4gv).
The postprocessing run is also logged.
It is recommended that you start the settlement run and the post-
processing run in the background over night or at the weekend if you
are delaing with a large amount of data (for example, monthly
If you have more than 100 000 document items to be processed, pleasetake the system parameters for table spaces PSAPBTABD and PSAPBTABIinto account.