Purpose You can use this program to compare the existing SAP dataset (postalcodes, cities, assignments) with the postal code dataset file suppliedby the PTT (PLZ_P1_datum.txt) or to process the postal code conversionfile supplied by the PTT (PLZ_P1UP_datum.txt). The differences or formatted conversions identified are listed togetherwith the following information in table J_1SPUPBESTAND:
- Postal unit affected (POSTAL CODE, CITIES, POSTAL CODE/CITY)
- Types of differences/conversions found (function = 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 3)
- Information on the differences/conversions (for example, old postal code
and new postal code)Integration Please adhere to the processing sequence (reports, maintenance views). PTT Conversion Processing> 1) J_1SNFIL (create temporary file) 2) J_1SUPAL> (dataset comparison/conversion for postal code/cityassignments) 3) J_1SVPUPBESTAND (maintenance view for result of postal code/citycomparison) 4) J_1SUPLZ (format UPDA records for postal code/city assignments) 5) J_1SUBAL (dataset comparison for streets) 6) J_1SUSTR (format UPDA records for streets) 7) J_1SVSUPBESTAND (maintenance view for result of street comparison) 8) POSTÄNDERUNGSDIENST (process change number) 9) J_1SUBOT (carrier data upgrade)Prerequisites The assignment between the logical and physical paths must bemaintained:> Physical path: ISP_PTT_ALL Logical path: ISP_PTT_ALL The following logical file names must be maintained:> ISP_PTT_ORT_DAT (Temporary city file) ISP_PTT_PLZ_DAT (Temporary postal code file) ISP_PTT_STR_DAT (Temporary street file) ISP_PTT_BOT_DAT (Temporary carrier file) Please note: The physical file name depends on the settings for thelogical files. Tables:> Table J_1SPUPBESTAND must be empty. Open change numbers:> There should not be any open changes in tables JSTPLZUPDA, JSTPLOUPDA,JSTORTUPDA, and JSPLZZUOUPDA. Temporary files:> You should have run program J_1SNFIL (create temporary file) with thePTT dataset files or the PTT conversion files. Program J_1SUPAL can be restarted if the requirements are met.Selection Country> Country for which the comparison/conversion is to be carried out(default = 'CH'). Upgrade from postal conversions:> The PTT conversion file (PLZ_P1UP_datum.txt) is processed using theconversion code. The formatted changes are written to tableJ_1SPUPBESTAND. Please ensure that conversion processing is sequential (dataset:>May 2002, conversion:> June 2002, July 2002, August 2002 and soon). Upgrade from dataset file:> The PTT dataset file (PLZ_P1_datum.txt) is compared with the SAP tables(JSTORTPRO, JSTPLZPRO, JSTPLZORT, J_1SPLZZUO). Differences identifiedare written to table J_1SPUPBESTAND. Dataset comparisons must be carriedoutusing PTT files that are more up to date than the SAP dataset. Postal code categories (PTT classification):> 10 Home and PO box addresses 20 Home addresses 30 PO box addresses 40 Company addresses 80 Internal postal codes for postal service Printer controls:> Various settings for log output. Caution:> Please ensure that you select the same postal codecategories as you selected for program J_1SNFIL.Input Temporary postal code file:> ISP_PTT_PLZ_DAT. SAP city file:> JSTORTPRO. SAP postal code tables:> JSTPLZPRO JSTPLZORT J_1SPLZZUOOutput Log (SPOOL):> Information on the number of differences/conversions processed. Results table from dataset comparison/conversion for postal code andcity:> The differences/conversions processed are listed in table J_1SPUPBESTANDusing the following function codes:
- 1 = New PTT record
- 2A = Postal code conversion (postal code is replaced with a new postal