Programme SAP J_1SUBOT - IS-M/SD CH/S: Conversion Program for PTT Carriers

This program processes the PTT conversion files MLSUdatum.txt (mailsort)and PKTUdatum.txt (packsort) according to the conversion code. Theformatted changes are written to table J_1SBOTPRO (CH carrier data).Please ensure that conversion processing does not contain any gaps. Forexample, dataset: May 2002, conversion: June 2002, July 2002, August2002.

Please adhere to the processing sequence (reports, maintenance views).
PTT Conversion Processing:
1) J_1SNFIL (create temporary file)
2) J_1SUPAL (dataset comparison/conversion for postal code/cityassignments)
3) J_1SVPUPBESTAND (maintenance view for result of postal code/citycomparison)
4) J_1SUPLZ (format UPDA records for postal code/city assignments)
5) J_1SUBAL (dataset comparison for streets)
6) J_1SUSTR (format UPDA records for streets)
7) J_1SVSUPBESTAND (maintenance view for result of street comparison)
8) POSTÄNDERUNGSDIENST (process change number)
9) J_1SUBOT (carrier data upgrade)

The assignment between the logical and physical paths must bemaintained:
Physical path: ISP_PTT_ALL
Logical path: ISP_PTT_ALL
The following logical file names must be maintained:
ISP_PTT_ORT_DAT (Temporary city file)
ISP_PTT_PLZ_DAT (Temporary postal code file)
ISP_PTT_STR_DAT (Temporary street file)
ISP_PTT_BOT_DAT (Temporary carrier file)
Please note: The physical file name depends on the settings for thelogical files.
Temporary files:
You should have run program J_1SNFIL (create temporary file) with thePTT conversion files.
Dataset comparison/conversion for postal codes and cities:
You should have run programs J_1SUPAL and J_1SUPLZ with thecorresponding files.
Dataset comparison for streets:
You should have run programs J_1SUBAL and J_1SUSTR with thecorresponding files. The postal change service should have beencompleted for the change number used.

Country for which the carriers are to be converted (default = 'CH').
Processing month or processing date.
Printer controls:
Various settings for log output.

Temporary carrier file:
SAP city file:
SAP street file:

Log (SPOOL):
Records containing errors and records not transferred are listed.
Carrier table:
J_1SBOTPRO (carrier data CH)

1) Check whether the requirements are met
2) Enter selection criteria on selection screen
3) Execute program
4) Check log