Programme SAP J_1SMEVU - IS-M/SD CH/V: Global Retail Changes - Suspensions

Program J_1SMEVU generates suspensions for retail orders via batchinput. It also creates a list of errors, notes and changenotifications.
The change is made at item level by creating a limited suspension. IfONE suspension already exists in the selection period, one or twosuspensions are generated for the period before and/or after. If morethan one suspension exists, the item is listed on the error/message logand you have to change the existing suspensions manually.

The selection period specified for which the quantity changes are to becreated is checked as follows:
The latest order deadline is determined for the selected publications(or for all publications if you did not specify selection criteria).The specified valid-from date must be earlier than or the same as theorder deadline determined plus one day.

You can only use this function if the orders in question are created as'orders with several schedule lines'.

Selection criteria:
You can restrict selection of orders to be changed by specifying thefollowing selection criteria:

  • Country (REQUIRED)

  • Normal delivery country
    • Sold-to party (OPTIONAL)

    • Postal code (OPTIONAL)

    • The postal code and the following selection criterion 'Canton' refer tothe ship-to party address (NOT to the address of the unloading point).
      • Canton (OPTIONAL)

      • Publication (REQUIRED)

      • Edition (OPTIONAL)

      • Mix type (OPTIONAL)

      • Delivery type (OPTIONAL)

      • You can use this criterion, for example, to exclude return orders witha dummy delivery type.
        • Order type (REQUIRED)

        • Check order type group (OPTIONAL)

        • If you select this indicator, the report checks whether the selectedorder types are retail orders.

          Processing is controlled by the following criteria:

          • Suspension from - to (REQUIRED)

          • The quantity change is generated for this period.
            • Suspension reason (REQUIRED)

            • Test run (OPTIONAL)

            • Selected -> no batch input session is created
              Blank -> production run - batch input session is created
              • Errors/notes (OPTIONAL)

              • Selected -> list is created
                Blank -> list is not created
                • Change log (OPTIONAL)

                • Selected -> changes are listed
                  Blank -> list is not created
                  • Print BP

                  • If you enter an 'A' or a 'W' in this field, the report prints theaddress of the sold-to party ('A') or the ship-to party ('W') on theerror/note and change log for each order or for each item.