Description Program J_1SMABL generates changes to the delivery type forsubscription orders via batch input. It also creates a list of errors,notes and change notifications. The change is made at item level by creating a limited or unlimitedchange. If one limited or unlimited change already exists, a deliverytype change is not generated and instead an entry is made in the errorlog. In the case of a limited change, a second unlimited change is createdwith the old delivery type. Notes The selection period specified for which the delivery type changes areto be created is checked as follows: The latest order deadline is determined for the selected publications(or for all publications if you did not specify selection criteria).The specified valid-from date must be earlier than or the same as thelatest order deadline determined + 1 day. Precondition You can only use this function if the relevant orders are defined as'orders with a schedule line'. Selection Criteria: You can restrict selection of orders to be changed by specifying thefollowing selection criteria:
- Country (REQUIRED)
Normal delivery country
- Postal code (OPTIONAL)
The postal code refers to the ship-to party address