Programme SAP J_1SKLIE - IS-M/SD CH: Copies Delivered to KIOSK

This program creates a sequential file of all deliveries to KIOSK AG ina desired period. If you do not specify a period, the program processesthe previous week. If processing is started on a Saturday or Sunday,all deliveries from Monday through Saturday are taken into account.
If you wish, you can perform a test run without creating a file. Youcan also print a log of the records created or those to be created.
You can sort the file by point of sale/delivery date or by deliverydate/point of sale.

You must specify the business partner number for KIOSK AG, thepublication and the edition.
The logical/physical file and the physical file name must be maintainedin Customizing for the logical file name ISP_KIOSK_LIEF.

The program creates a processing log (number of records and number ofdeliveries) and logs all the records created, if requested.
If you are not running the program as a test run, a record is createdwith the number of deliveries for each point of sale and delivery date.