Programme SAP J_1SESR1 - IS-M/SD CH/F: Print Program for Subscription Invoices

This program is a print report that prints an invoice for a subscriberwith a SAPscript form using output control.

The report is started by an external call. The start routine is theform routine 'ENTRY', which must be entered in the Customizing settingsfor output control. (IMG path: SAP Media -> Basic Functions -> OutputDetermination -> Output Determination in Media Sales and Distribution).The program and the routine must be specified for the appropriatecondition type. You can also assign the form for printing here.
To print in collective processing, printing is triggered by reportRJNAST00 (path: Media Sales and Distribution -> Periodical Sales andDistribution -> Master Data -> Output -> Environment -> Display/Print).

You can change the layout of the output in the form used. You can usethe fields from the billing document header (VBRK) and billing items(VBRP) as well as the conditions (KOMVD).
The addresses are output on the basis of extended address management,where a print format can be assigned to each form and business partnerrole. (IMG path: SAP Media -> Master Data -> Business Partner ->Address.) The default setting is 6-line output.
The bill-to party (role RE) and the alternate ship-to party (role WE)are output using print formats and an alternate payer (role RG) usingthe form (structure RJFSCRIPT).
The Dictionary structure RJFSCRIPT contains totals fields and otherfields you may also require.