Programme SAP J_1ICWIZ - CIN - Health Check

This program is used for checking some of the basic customizingsettings in CIN.

Execute this program after completing the customizing for FI Taxes
and CIN Customizing

Green color correct icon indicates the settings are correct
Red color wrong icon indicates the settings are wrong and it needs to
to be corrected using the customizing options
This program checks the following settings in customizing
1. Checks Tax Procedure conditions in FI Taxes and
the tax conditions maintained under "Define Tax Condition Types"
in CIN
2. Checks for correctness in CIN customizing between
Maintain transaction accounts settings and
Assign GL accounts to excise groups and transaction types settings.
3. Checks for Tax Conditions
Tax Condition - JMO1 / JA01 / JS01
G/L Accounts is not blanks - Attached to the account key
Tax Type = 2 - Input Tax - Settings in Account Key
Posting without Tax = * - Settings in G/L Account Master
Tax Category = '*' or '<' - Settings in G/L Account Master
Tax Condition - JMO2 / JAO2 / JS02 / JIP1 / JIP2
Account Key = 'NVV' - Non Deductable
G/L Accounts is not blanks - Attached to the account key
Tax not Deductable Flag = 'X' - Settings in Account Key
Tax Type = 2 - Input Tax - Settings in Account Key
Posting without Tax = * - Settings in G/L Account Master
Tax Category = '*' or '<' - Settings in G/L Account Master
Tax Condition - JIN1 / JIN2 / JIN4 / JIN5
G/L Accounts is not blanks - Attached to the account key
Tax Type = 1 - Output Tax - Settings in AccountKey
Posting without Tax = * - Settings in G/L Account Master
Tax Category = '*' or '>' - Settings in G/L Account Master

To check the correctness of the customizing settings after completing
the customizing and before starting the testing

This program only checks for certain basic settings which might preventthe system from normal functioning.
The correctness of these basic settings does not ensure that all thecustomizing settings are correct.