Programme SAP J_1HSPIR - Free Spare Part Issue Report for Warranty Product


According to Thai requirements, a registrant who sold goods andprovides service with warranty against defects or any similar causeshall prepare a record of changes of spare parts or repairs underwarranty separately from a goods and raw material record.

1. Transactions from SD module - Free Warranty.
1.1 Create a sale order.
- enter the required data in sales orders header :
o field “Guarantee” - warranty date
- sale order item -> purchase order data section ship-to-party
o field “Purchaser order no.” - serial number
o field “Your reference” - warranty number
1.2 Create a delivery order with reference to sales order.
1.3 Enter picking quantity and post goods issue.
1.4 Post goods issue.
1.5 Create billing document with reference to delivery order.
2. Transactions from SM module - service order.
2.1 Create equipment master data.
2.2 Create notification and enter equipment number.
2.3 Create service order with reference to notification.
2.4 Post service order.
2.5 Create billing request with reference to service order.



  • display movement of goods issue and return of spare part under free
  • warranty.