Programme SAP J_1BNFAR - Archiving of Notas Fiscais: Reload Program


The report J_1BNFAR carries out the retrieval of formerly archivedNotas Fiscais. The Notas Fiscais can be uploaded from an external fileinto the SAP System if these documents were archived by J_1BNFAW anddeleted from the database by J_1BNFAD. (This is the case when thearchiving was performed via ARCHIVE MANAGEMENT usingthe archiving object J_1BNF.)
The reloaded Notas Fiscais are not especially characterized and thus,cannot be distinguished from other Notas Fiscais already present in thesystem.
The complete data from the chosen archiving file are reloaded. Thearchive file is not accessible after reloading any more. Selection ofcertain parts of one archiving file is not supported. After the startthe program gives a list of all existing archive files for NotasFiscais. The user can then choose the wanted files interactively.
Usually, J_1BNFAR is started as a batch job (by theARCHIVE MANAGEMENT using the archiving object J_1BNF).

The data must have been deleted after archiving. This is ensured whenusing the ARCHIVE MANAGEMENT. If the data are notdeleted the following problems might occur:
1. The reloading program cannot find any files to reload.
2. The same data could be archived several times. If entries in thedatabase and in the archive have identical primary keys it is notpossible to reload the data to the database. Therefore the data fromthe archive will be lost.

The number of reloaded Notas Fiscais is provided. (It is determined asthe number of new entries into table J_1BNFDOC.) In addition, thenumber of entries with identical primary keys in table J_1BNFDOC isgiven, if there are any. If a test run was performed the number ofNotas Fiscais in the chosen archive(s) is given.

The archived data are back in the database again.
(If the flag testrun is active nothing is changed.)

Note for system administrators regarding deletion of unneeded files
Although the old archive file is not accessible after reloading anymore it is not physically deleted. It stays in the file system. After alot of reloading has been done the capacity of the archive system mightbe reached. Then the system administrator should delete all those oldarchive files which already have been reloaded. The status of anarchive file can be checked in the table ADMI_FILES where the entrySTATUS_FIL provides the status of each individual archive run. Allfiles with status 'RELOADED' can be deleted. The corresponding physicalfile is given in the entry 'FILENAME'. In addition, files withOBJ_COUNT = 0 can also be deleted. (These files are created for examplewhen the chosen selection criteria of a archiving run are not fulfilledby any data. The archive file is therefore empty. It is of no furtheruse.)