Programme SAP J_1BLFZF - Issued Notas Fiscais

This report creates the ZFM files in accordance with Brazilian legalrequirements. It lists the notas fiscais that you have createdfor transporting goods to other tax regions, as listed on the selectionscreen. It also creates a file under the path and name that you havespecified.


  • Nota fiscal selection criteria

  • Company code
    Issuing company code
    Business place
    Issuing business place
    Posting date
    Period during which the notas fiscais were issued.
    • Additional selection criteria

    • Series
      Series numbers
      Nota fiscal number
      Nota fiscal numbers
      • Tax regions

      • Output control

      • Test run
        Displays the list but stops the system from creating a file.
        File name
        Physical path and name that you want to save the file under.

        If you select Test run, the system displays the list on thescreen. If not, it also creates a file.