Programme SAP J_1BLFC1 - IN86: Master Data, Files and Tables

You use this report to create legal files in accordance with theInstrução Normativa 86 (IN86). Since 2002, the Brazilian report packageInstrução Normativa 86 (IN86) has replaced the report IN68 (J_1BLFB1).
You execute the report on a monthly basis, but you do not have to sendit to the government, unless your company is being audited. In thiscase, the government can ask for the current periods as well as previousperiods.
Depending on the selections you make in the report, it reads andextracts the legal documents, internal FI documents, and/or internal MMdocuments that have been posted during the selected period. Moreover,you can use this report to read and extract master data from therespective business partners and system tables describing the codes usedin the other files to provide the Master Data and/or Tables required bylaw.

You can enter information in specific fields for some of the files orcustomize all the fields for other files via a Business Add-In.
For more information of the fields or files that you can customize, seethe documentation for the BAdI: Fill Out Reportsfor IN86.

The report is divided in the following group boxes:

  • General Selection Criteria

  • Company Code: You must enter the company code to make anyselection in the Fiscal tab in the Objects to Be Generatedgroup box
    Business Place: You must enter the business place to create thefiles 4.3.1-6, 4.4.1/2, 4.5.1/2, 4.6.1 and 4.7.1
    Posting Date: You indicate the first and the last date of thereporting period
    • Additional Criteria

    • You can specify the selection criteria using the following indicatorsand options:
      Checkboxes for Customer/Vendor (for 4.2.1, 4.91.): Required if bothvendor and customer have to be reported in the corresponding files
      Checkbox for Business Place: Required to inform the business place ofCustomer/Vendor
      Customer/Vendor (for 4.2.1, 4.91.): You can select specific customers orvendors for the creation of files 4.2.1 and 4.9.1
      Document Number (4.1.1, 4.2.1): You can select specific document numbersfor the creation of file 4.1.1 and 4.2.1
      Special G/L Indicator (4.2.1): You can exclude specific special G/Lindicators for the creation of file 4.2.1
      Document Type (4.1.1, 4.2.1): You can select specific document types forthe creation of files 4.1.1 and 4.2.1
      Ledger (4.1.2): You can specify the ledger to be used with the New G/Lfunctionality. If this field is left blank, the system uses the LeadingLedger to find the data.
      G/L account (4.1.1-2): You can select specific G/L accounts for thecreation of file 4.1.1 and 4.1.2
      Checkboxes for Incoming/Outgoing NFs (for 4.3.1-6): Required if incorresponding files both incoming and outgoing NFs have to be reported
      NF Number (for 4.3.1-6): You can select specific NF numbers for thecreation of files 4.3.1-6
      NF Series (for 4.3.1-6): You can select specific NF series for thecreation of file 4.3.1-6
      NF-e Number (for 4.3.1-6): You can select specific NF-e numbers for thecreation of files 4.3.1-6
      Material (4.5.1/2, 4.6.1): You can select specific materials for thecreation of files 4.5.1., 4.5.2, and 4.6.1
      Asset number (for 4.7.1): You can select assets for the creation of file4.7.1
      Asset class (for 4.7.1): You can select specific asset classes for thecreation of file 4.7.1
      Depreciation area (for 4.7.1): You can select specific depreciationareas for the creation of file 4.7.1 while selecting the related values(asset acquisition value)
      • Objects to Be Generated: You must select at least one of the
      • following files to be generated:
        Postings (4.1.1): Contains all FI documents within a selected period
        Balances (4.1.2): Contains a list of all accounts (initial value, totaldebits, total credits, final value) in a selected month. One account isonly listed if there are movements (one of the values is different fromzero).
        Vendor/Customer Data (4.2.1): Contains all business transactions withpartners (vendors and customers). The related FI documents are reported.However, if a related Nota Fiscal (NF) can be found, the NF is reportedinstead of the FI document.
        Material Inventory (4.5.2): Lists the inventory at the end of each month
        Bill of Material (4.6.1): Lists the bill of materials (BOM) for allmaterials in the system that have such a BOM
        Master Data (4.9.1): Contains the address data of the business partners(vendors and customers) in a selected period. To determine the businesspartners, the (a) FI documents, (b) NFs, and (c) all partners newlycreated in the system in the selected period were taken into account.
        Chart of Accounts (4.9.2): Lists the chart of accounts
        NF-related files (4.3.1-6): Contains lists with both the header and lineitem information for NFs in a selected period
        Exports/Imports (4.4.1/2): Lists all NFs with foreign businesstransactions (NFs with line items with CFOP "7XX' in file 4.4.1; NFswith line items with CFOP "3XX' in file 4.4.2)
        Goods movements (4.5.1): Lists all material movements within the choseninterval of time based on standard movement information (MBEW, MSEG). Ifthe material movement is linked to a NF, then the additional NFinformation is also given.
        Asset accounting files (4.7.1): Lists the assets that exist in thesystem
        Nature of Business (4.9.4): Describes the Nota Fiscal operation typesused in file 4.3.2 and 4.3.4
        Incoming Service NFs (4.3.8/9): Contains the data related to incomingthird party Service Nota Fiscal, which are not ICMS-related.
        Outgoing Cupom Fiscal (4.3.10): Contains the header and the item ofcoupons issued by the company. The file can be filled via theBAdI: Fill Out Reports for IN86.
        Incoming Cupom Fiscal (4.3.11): Contains a daily summary of incomingmaterials/products or services, received from a third party and whichfiscal document was issued via ECF equipment (cupom fiscal). The filecan be filled via the BAdI: Fill Out Reports for IN86.
        PIS/COFINS (4.10.1 and 4.3.2): Contains the PIS and COFINS complementaryinformation related to goods and services outgoing fiscal documents. Thefile copies all lines of all notas fiscais from file 4.3.2 and addsPIS/Cofins data. It can be filled via the BAdI: Fill Out Reports forIN86.
        PIS/COFINS (4.10.2 and 4.3.6): Contains the PIS and COFINS complementaryinformation related to services (not ICMS, only ISS) outgoing documents.The file copies all lines of all notas fiscais from file 4.3.6 and addsPIS/Cofins data. It can be filled via the BAdI: Fill Out Reports forIN86.
        PIS/COFINS (4.10.3 and 4.3.10): Contains the PIS and COFINScomplementary information related to outgoing Cupom Fiscal-related docum
        ents. The file copies all lines of all notas fiscais from file 4.3.10and adds PIS/Cofins data. If you want to report this file, you need toimplement the BAdI: Fill Out Reports for IN86.
        PIS/COFINS (4.10.4 and 4.3.2): Contains the PIS and COFINS complementaryinformation related to incoming ICMS-related documents issued accordingto the business place. The file copies all lines of all notas fiscaisfrom file 4.3.2 and adds PIS/Cofins data. It can be filled via theBAdI: Fill Out Reports for IN86.
        PIS/COFINS (4.10.5 and 4.3.4): Contains the PIS and COFINS complementaryinformation related to incoming ICMS-related documents issued by a thirdparty. The file copies all lines of all notas fiscais from file 4.3.4and adds PIS/Cofins data. It can be filled via the BAdI: Fill OutReports for IN86.
        PIS/COFINS (4.10.6 and 4.3.9): Contains the PIS and COFINS complementaryinformation related to incoming ISS-related documents. The file copiesall lines of all notas fiscais from file 4.3.9 and adds PIS/Cofins data.It can be filled via the BAdI: Fill Out Reports for IN86.
        PIS/COFINS (4.10.7 and 4.3.11): Contains the PIS and COFINScomplementary information related to Cupom Fiscal documents. The filecopies all lines of all notas fiscais from file 4.3.11 and addsPIS/Cofins data. If you want to report this file, you need to implementthe BAdI: Fill Out Reports for IN86.
        WHT/INSS Compl. (4.11.1/4.3.1): Contains the complementary informationrelated to withholding tax and INSS on outgoing ICMS-related documents.The file copies all lines of all notas fiscais from file 4.3.1 and addswithholding tax/INSS data. It can be filled via the BAdI: Fill OutReports for IN86.
        WHT/INSS Compl. (4.11.2/4.3.5): Contains the complementary informationrelated to withholding tax and INSS on outgoing ISS-related documents.The file copies all lines of all notas fiscais from file 4.3.5 and addswithholding tax/INSS data. It can be filled via the BAdI: Fill OutReports for IN86.
        WHT/INSS Compl. (4.11.3/4.3.1): Contains the complementary informationrelated to withholding tax and INSS on incoming ICMS-related documents,issued according to the business place. The file copies all lines of allnotas fiscais from file 4.3.1 and adds withholding tax/INSS data. It canbe filled via the BAdI: Fill Out Reports for IN86.
        WHT/INSS Compl. (4.11.4/4.3.3): Contains the complementary informationrelated to withholding tax and INSS on incoming ICMS-related documents,issued by a Third Party. The file copies all lines of all notas fiscaisfrom file 4.3.3 and adds withholding tax/INSS data. It can be filled viathe BAdI: Fill Out Reports for IN86.
        WHT/INSS Compl. (4.11.5/4.3.8): Contains the complementary informationrelated to withholding tax and INSS on incoming ISS-related documents.The file copies all lines of all notas fiscais from file 4.3.8 and addswithholding tax/INSS data. It can be filled via the BAdI: Fill OutReports for IN86.
        • Output: Enter the path and name of the files you want the program
        • to download the data to or select the Test Run (Screen Output Only)
          checkbox if you only want ot display the data on the screen.
          Note the following:
          If you execute the program online, the system will stop the output aftereach type of file. To proceed to the next file type, please press eitherthe 'BACK' or the 'EXIT' button until all the chosen files have beenprocessed. This is not necessary if you download the files (see "b"below) and start the report using a background job.
          If you want to see a detailed list of the output (for example, for testpurposes), select the Display Details (for Test Run) checkbox.
          To download the files to the application server, fill in the followingfields:
          File Address (w/o Extension): Enter the physical address and the'leading letters' of the name (for example, '/tmp/in68') (Note also theremarks below.)
          File Extension: For example, '.txt'
          In the example given here, the program will then issue the respectivefiles of IN86 in the directory 'tmp' in the following form:
          - File 4.1.1 will have the name in86_411.txt
          - File 4.4.1 will have the name in86_441.txt
          And so on.
          Note that the extensions _xyz will be generated automatically.
          To identify the files, it is possible to create (1) a prefix at thebeginning of each record and (2) additional company/business placeinformation at the beginning of each file (both functionalities can beused by selecting the respective check boxes):
          The prefix (digits in brackets) contain the following information:
          Prefix: month (2), year (4), company code (4), business place (4),record type (3) [file 4.1.1 - type 001; 4.1.2 - 002; 4.2.1 (vendors) -003; 4.2.1 (customers) - 004; 4.3.1 - 005; 4.3.2 - 006; 4.3.3 - 007;4.3.4 - 008; 4.3.5 - 009; 4.3.6 - 010; 4.4.1 - 012; 4.4.2 - 013; 4.5.1 -014; 4.5.2 - 015; 4.6.1 - 016; 4.7.1 - 017; 4.8.1 - 018; 4.9.1 (vendor)- 020; 4.9.1 (customers) - 021; 4.9.2 - 022; 4.9.3 - 023; 4.9.4 - 024;4.9.5 - 025; 4.9.7 - 027].
          The files 4.3.10; 4.3.11; 4.10.3; 4.10.7 do not have a prefix becausethey are filled only via the BAdI: Fill Out Reports for IN86.
          The company/business place information (digits in brackets) contain thefollowing information:
          Company information [record type 291]: company code (4); company name(25); CNPJ from company (8) business place information [record type291]: business place (4); CNPJ business place (4); CNPJ check (2); nameof business place (30); regional tax code (18); city tax code (20);street (30); CEP code (10); city (25); state (2)


          Creating and using IN86 files
          This report selects all data from the database according to theselection criteria. If you request old data, be sure that it is still inthe database, or you will not be able to report it. Consequently, thefollowing procedure is recommended:
          Instead of executing the report only when the tax authorities ask forspecific data, you should execute the report on a monthly basis. Thenwhen asked for specific data, you can use the existing files and extractthe data from them. (Note that the extracting software is not deliveredby SAP.)
          It is important to execute the report regularly without anyinterruptions. If the last file contained data until the last day ofJanuary, the next execution should have the first day of February as thestarting date.
          This procedure has a second advantage: For some data, no changedocuments are maintained within the system. If this data is changed, theold data cannot be retrieved. But if you execute the report monthly, theold data will be in the files that were created before the change wasmade.

          A company executes this report once a month from January 2009 onwards.In July 2009, the tax authorities demand all assets accounting data forthe period of March until June 2009. The company extracts the data fromthe files that were created in March, April, May, and June.

          Differences between suggested file IN86 format/size and the format/sizein the system
          Note 528607 describes the fields and format and the differences betweenthe legal requirements and the SAP format. Furthermore, the differencesbetween the legal requirements and the SAP system are described in thefollowing:
          File 4.1.1 - Lançamentos contábeis
          Field ,,Description ,,,,,,,,Type (N:num; C:char)
          10,,Business area (not required by the law) ,,,,,,C ,,,,,,,,4
          File 4.1.2 - Saldos Mensais
          Field ,,Description ,,,,,,,,Type (N:num; C:char),,
          9 ,,Indic. déb/créd - total débitor (not required by the law),,C,,,,,,,,1
          10 ,,Indic. déb/créd - total créditor (not required by the law),,C,,,,,,,,1
          File 4.2.1 - Fornecedores/clientes
          Field ,,Description ,,,,,,,,Type (N:num; C:char)
          13 ,,debit/credit indicador (not required by the law) ,,,,C ,,,,,,
          14 ,,NF série(not required by the law) ,,,,,,C ,,,,,,,,3
          15 ,,NF subsérie (not required by the law) ,,,,,,C ,,,,,,,,2
          16 ,,Posting key (not required by the law) ,,,,,,C ,,,,,,,,2
          17 ,,Special G/L indicator (not required by the law) ,,,,C ,,,,,,,,1
          18 ,,Reference doc. number (not required by the law) ,,,,C ,,,,,,,,16
          19 ,,FI document type (not required by the law) ,,,,C ,,,,,,,,2
          File 4.3.2 - Itens de Mercadorias/Serviços (Saídas ou Entradas) and File4.3.4 - Itens de Mercadorias/Serviços
          Field ,,Description ,,,,,,,,Type (N:num; C:char)
          11 ,,Classific. fiscal do prod. (NCM) ,,,,,,C ,,,,,,,,16 (requiredby the law: 8 digits only)
          29 ,,CFOP extension (not required by the law) ,,,,C ,,,,,,,,2
          30 ,,ICMS other base (not irequired by the law) ,,,,N ,,,,,,,,17(with 2 decimals)
          31 ,,ICMS excluded base (not required by the law),,,,N ,,,,,,,,17(with 2 decimals)
          32 ,,IPI other base (not required by the law) ,,,,,,N ,,,,,,,,17(with 2 decimals)
          33 ,,IPI excluded base (not required by the law) ,,,,N ,,,,,,,,17(with 2 decimals)
          34 ,,Subst.Trib. oth. base (not required by the law) ,,,,N ,,,,,,,,17(with 2 decimals)
          35 ,,Subst.Trib. excl. base (not required by the law) ,,,,N ,,,,,,,,17(with 2 decimals)
          File 4.3.5 - Mestre de Notas Fiscais de serviço (PJ)
          Field ,,Description ,,,,,,,,Type (N:num; C:char)
          11 ,,Valor Total da NF (not required by the law) ,,,,N ,,,,,,,,17(with 2 decimals)
          File 4.5.1 - Controle de estoque
          Field ,,Description ,,,,,,,,Type (N:num; C:char)
          13 ,,Material Description (not required by the law) ,,,,C ,,,,,,,,40
          14 ,,Batch number (not required by the law) ,,,,C ,,,,,,,,12
          15 ,,Operation type (not required by the law) ,,,,C ,,,,,,,,4
          16 ,,Arquive doc. number (not required by the law) ,,,,C ,,,,,,,,12
          File 4.6.1 - Dados de insumos relacionados
          Field ,,Description ,,,,,,,,Type (N:num; C:char)
          4 ,,Quantidade ,,,,,,,,N ,,,,,,,,17 (with 8dec., required by the law: 3 dec. only)
          9 ,,Plant (not required by the law) ,,,,,,C ,,,,,,,,
          10 ,,text of BOM usage (not required by the law) ,,,,C ,,,,,,,,30
          11 ,,Alternative BOM (not required by the law) ,,,,C ,,,,,,,,2
          File 4.7.1 - Cadastro de bens
          Field ,,Description ,,,,,,,,Type (N:num; C:char),,
          4 ,,Identificação do bem ,,,,,,C ,, ,,,,,,50 (requiredby the law: 45 digits only)
          19 ,,Company code (not required by the law) ,,,,C ,,,,,,,,4
          File 4.9.7 - Plants/BOM usage (not required by the law)
          Field ,,Description ,,,,,,,,Type (N:num; C:char)
          1 ,,Data de atualização ,,,,,,N ,,,,,,,,8
          2 ,,BOM number ,,,,,,C ,,,,,,,,22
          3 ,,Descrição da BOM ,,,,,,C ,, ,,,,,,70