Programme SAP J_1BLB12 - Listagem de Operações Interestaduais (Modelo 12)

This report creates the Brazilian legal book 'Listagem de OperaçõesInterestaduais' (Modelo 12). It reads the data of the outgoing NotasFiscais and Conhecimentos that have been posted during the selectedperiod out of the Nota Fiscal database and sorts and displays themaccording to Brazilian laws. Only documents that have been sent tostates that are different from the state of the company will beconsidered.

Mandatory selection criteria:
Nota Fiscal selection criteria:
Company code ... of the company that issues the Registro
Business place ... thecompany's business place that issues the Registro
Posting date ... first and last date of the period for whichposted documents shall be reported in the Registro
Optional selection criteria:
Additional selection criteria:
Series ... the Nota Fiscal / Conhecimento Series number
Nota Fiscal number ... the external, not unique number of the NotaFiscal or Conhecimento

The documents are sorted via their state of destination and via theirposting date.
For every new state there is a new section, i.e. a new page starts.